About the Photographer

About the Photographer
The world is a beautiful place, especially its people. I think we should take pictures to help us remember the little things in life that make it special. I also think that capturing those little things shouldn't be expensive! E-mail me at audreybeebe@hotmail.com for pricing or other info.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Ashe Family

You may recognize a few of these people from the last family shoot.  They took care of business and coordinated extended family pictures for both sides of the family all at once!  Knowing how much work that is with one family, I was very impressed that they accomplished it with both!!

These three boys were some of my favorites of all time!  They were cool as can be--not too anxious to have their pictures taken, but when it came right down to it, they did everything I asked of them with charming smiles on their faces.

These two really made me laugh.  I don't know how many years they've been married, but let's just say they're veterans.  Despite the number of years they've been together, they still know how to laugh and play with one another.  I found it very endearing!

This is my new friend, C, and she was a sweetheart.  While waiting for a specific shooting location, she showed me everything in her precious backpack she carries with her, and she was happy all the time!  She has a new special place in my heart.

I thought this picture was too precious for words.  I love little A's squished, happy little face while she tries desperately to escape the two people who love her most in the world!!

This particular father of his family didn't like to smile.  When told to smile, he gave mostly smirks, but at one point he broke this amazing smile out, and I couldn't figure out for the life of my why he doesn't pull it out more often!!

Mr. Ashe thought he was so funny telling jokes in the middle of his pictures!  This just goes to show that whatever you do during the session has a chance of being immortalized.  I believe his exact words to his wife were, "Whoa!  That's not the woman I married!!"  He is quite a joker!!

Thanks for letting me do these photos with you, guys!!

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